In case you’ve bought a web hosting plan and you’ve got some inquiries with regard to a concrete feature/function, or if you have chanced upon some obstacle and you need assistance, you should be able to contact the respective help desk support staff. All hosting companies use a ticketing system regardless of whether they provide other methods of contacting them aside from it or not, because the most effective way to solve an issue most often is to use a ticket. This type of correspondence renders the replies sent by both parties simple to track and enables the help desk team members to escalate the problem in the event that, for instance, a server admin needs to step in. Most often, the ticketing system isn’t directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you will need to use no less than two different accounts to contact the customer care staff and to actually administer the hosting space. Incessantly switching between the accounts can sometimes be a headache, not to mention the fact that it requires a very long time for the vast majority of hosting companies to answer the tickets themselves.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Website Hosting

Our Linux cloud website hosting services include an integrated ticketing system, which is an integral part of our custom-developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In contrast to other similar tools, Hepsia will allow you to manage everything related to the hosting service itself in the same location – invoices, files, emails, support tickets, etc., avoiding the necessity to go through different interfaces. In case you’ve got any technical or pre-sales questions or any problems, you can open a ticket with a couple of mouse clicks without needing to sign out of your hosting Control Panel. During the process, you may pick a category and our system will present you with a number of educative articles, which will give you more information and which may help you solve any given problem even before you send a ticket. We guarantee a trouble ticket response time of no more than sixty minutes, even if it is a weekend or a public holiday.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all our semi-dedicated services, was built with one aim in mind – that you should be able to manage everything related to your semi-dedicated server account in a single location and the trouble tickets make no exception. Our ticketing system is integrated into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so, in case you have a question or bump into a challenge, you can get in touch with our client service staff representatives instantaneously without the need to sign in to another system. You can browse your files or check different settings in your account whilst opening a new ticket or reading the reply to an old one. If you have lots of tickets and you want to track down a given one, you can take advantage of the clever search box, which is available in the Help section. We guarantee that you’ll get an answer in no more than one hour irrespective of the essence of your inquiry or issue.