Linux is an OS, which isn't that commonly used for desktop machines, but is amongst the most widely used OSs for servers. It is totally free, so you shall not need to pay any license fees as part of your website hosting payments. Linux is additionally regarded as the most reliable Operating System available and because of the permissions which files have and also the file types that can be run, virus files that may infect a normal personal computer shall simply not be executed on a Linux-based hosting server. Furthermore, the Operating System is absolutely free, so it could be modified without any limitations, as a way to suit the needs of the website hosting provider and their clients. This implies that needless software packages could be removed to make the OS lighter and faster, which could directly lead to significantly better hosting server performance. Numerous Linux machines have the Apache web server set up on them, as this application is also 100 % free, fast and reliable. It is the most widely used web server out there and is an element of the LAMP bundle that lots of script applications, including Joomla and WordPress, require. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Website Hosting

All of the web servers that are an integral part of our revolutionary cloud website hosting platform run Linux to be able to guarantee their fast and stable operations, which will subsequently result in far better overall website performance. That is valid for any site that you host within a cloud website hosting account with our company. Every single part of the hosting service (e-mail messages, databases, files) will be handled by its own cluster of servers, so just one type of processes will run on a given server, that will contribute to the fast loading speed of your websites even more. You could use HTML, Python, Perl, JavaScript and any other web development language for your websites, due to the fact that they all can run on a Linux server. In addition we use the Apache web server, for the reason that our experience over the years has proven that this is probably the perfect software of its type.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are created on a cutting-edge specialized platform. An individual group of web servers deals with every single service - databases, e-mail messages, files, etcetera., and because we highly treasure the positive aspects of a personalized, risk-free and reliable Operating System, all the web servers that make up the clusters run Linux. The OS allows us to make the needed changes, not to mention the increased speed, as just one type of process runs on the hosting server, as opposed to the conventional web hosting platform offered by most companies in which everything runs on one web server. Furthermore, we use the Apache web server too. We've analyzed its functionality throughout the years, so we have confirmed that it could give us as a provider and you as a customer the desired speed and adaptability for the absolute best web site performance.